Cycle of Karma

Ankur Salwan
3 min readNov 15, 2020


Do you wonder why being on the bed all day or being at home, you catch several problems be it a disease or any other? Why you catch an emotional breakdown all of a sudden, or you met an accident that was out of the blue? One of my friends was at home during all this pandemic and while at home he was caught by the virus, the question is how and why?. We woke up the everyday day with a pack of different deeds being it good or bad. When we try to look deep inside our life with a different perspective we end up realizing that in our life we have to face certain predeterminations know as KARM. When we as a soul is separated from the creator and are remunerate with this human form, we perform day to day accordingly our store of karma is being filled. All of us have a storehouse of karma which is filling when we are rewarded this human form and act being it good or bad which is connected to our wheel of life and death.

This cycle of karma is connected to us as we have to face all our deeds when we are in this human form. The things which are meant to be will be in our life. There different types of karmas the primary and the largest of all are Sanchit Karm. These are those which are connected to us from the start when we were segregated from the creator, it contains all our karmas which we have performed while in a human form. A segment of Sanchit Karm is being affixed in this life and those are called Pralabdh Karm, 75% of our life is dependent on these and the 15% is dependent on the Kriyamana Karm which we do in our day to day life. We have to live a life in which we are only dependent on our soul but not on our mind and body. Have u noticed someone’s essence obstructs you out of the blue? Or have u felt someone is always in your mind all the time? It’s because there is a deceptive bond captured between you and them including the envelope of karmas.

“KARMA IS A BITCH” this the phrase often used in a very negative way in which it meant by people that karma will pay each and everyone back, but karma is filled with both good and bad deeds it may reward you or it may retard your life with a huge obstacle. Everything is connected is meant to be no miracles happen in this life of ours, just stay calm.



Ankur Salwan

What u can see is REEL and what you can't see is REAL